~Impressions after touching it~

I created a site on Linux!

Well then! Let's create one using VSCode, which can also be used on ubuntu!
(From here on, I am actually creating it using Ubuntu.)


Installation is very easy! Just press install from the shop inside Ubuntu! It will be installed after a while.
There seems to be another way to install from the official site, but this time I will pass!


In terms of functionality, there were no major differences from the Windows version, except for a slight slowdown in PC performance. The only thing I would mention is that the menu bar at the top is white. Performance was comparable to the Windows version.

What I felt after making it

When I actually tried making this, I felt that I could make it without any particular problems. To be honest, the problem with my computer was that the screen was almost square, so the work space was small and it was difficult to work.

What you can do with ubuntu

PP, word, site etc.

I investigated whether PP, Word, and html created on Windows function properly on Ubuntu.
When I created a random source file, brought it to Ubuntu via USB, and extracted it, I was able to boot it without any problems.
As expected, PP and Word were opened with other apps, but there were no functional problems.


I tried using Google Chome with Windows to check the browsing speed etc.
As expected, Windows was faster. However, Ubuntu was also quite fast, so I don't think there will be much of a difference for normal browsing.

Klondike (Solitaire)

It is a game where you alternate the colors of the cards and move the cards onto the field in descending order until you have all the cards A to K with the same mark. I can't choose the difficulty level, but I get the impression that it is difficult.

GNOME Shanghai

This is a puzzle game using mahjong tiles. It is a game where you pull out all the tiles by pulling out tiles with the same pattern. It's easy compared to others.

mine sweeper

This is a game where there are bombs hidden in the squares, so you have to predict and use them. It's difficult because it requires reasoning skills.


This is a puzzle where you put numbers into the squares according to the rules. You can choose the number of squares, so if you are not good at it, try starting with a smaller number of squares.


This is a site where you can create illustrations. I compared it with Windows Paint. The theme chosen this time was... fried shrimp! Because I suddenly felt like eating it recently.
The result is the image below! Ubuntu is on the right, Windows is on the left.

In conclusion, there was not much difference in writing comfort! By the way, I am writing both with a mouse.
